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Wednesday's Good News

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Upbeat collection of news nuggets to brighten the day.

Street cafe in Paris
Café Culture

Paris city officials project that 4,000 temporary summer terraces will open in April, a festive annual sign that Spring has begun. While café and terrace culture is a classic part of Paris life, following the end of the first Covid lockdown the city government issued permits that allowed more establishments to open more and larger terraces. The seasonal terraces proved to be immensely popular with restaurant owners and customers - they are now allowed to remain open from 1 April 1 to 31 October.

Conservation Success

A 20-year conservation project has successfully brought mountain gorillas in Uganda back from the brink of extinction. In 1997 there were only 650 mountain gorillas in the wild, by 2018 there were 1,063, and conservationists expect another increase at the next census, reports New Scientist.

Surprising Find

For anyone who studies ancient Egypt - and even many who don’t - the name Ramses II looms large. Also known as Ramses the Great and Ozymandias. Ramses II died in 1213 B.C.E., and his celebrity status has endured ever since. And now, a new discovery is shedding light on perceptions of the ancient pharaoh during the Ptolemaic period, about 1,000 years after his death. Archaeologists have uncovered over 2,000 mummified ram skulls at a temple in the ancient city of Abydos, and the large number was “surprising even for Egyptologists.” These skulls may have served as votive offerings to accompany Ramses in the afterlife, says Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Immigration Targets

For the first time in its history, Canada's population grew by over one million people last year and almost all of that was from immigrants, including over 133,000 Ukrainian refugees. The growth comes as the federal government makes a push to raise its 2025 immigration targets by almost 25 percent, reports the New York Times.

London Beavers

After a 400-year absence, beavers are coming back to London! Conservation groups have created the UK’s first urban reintroduction site for a breeding pair of Eurasian beavers that will arrive later this year. The project is one of 22 across the city that have been greenlit as part of the Rewild London Fund. "We are hoping to challenge perceptions, and demonstrate how London, too, can embrace these ecosystem engineers as we strive for a healthier, wilder future in which our capital can become a leader in urban rewilding," says Elliot Newton, Co-founder, Citizen Zoo.

NZ Progress

The proportion of teenage girls in New Zealand giving birth has halved in the last 10 years, and child poverty has fallen dramatically, with 77,000 fewer children living in low income households compared to 2018, and eight of nine child poverty measures seeing a statistically significant reduction during the same period, says the National Tribune.


“What day is it?” asked Pooh. “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet. “My favourite day,” said Pooh.

A.A. Milne

On this Day

5 April 1792: George Washington issued the first presidential veto in U.S. history; the rejected legislation concerned congressional redistricting.


Mood Booster

The Bowerbird's dramatic seduction technique.

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