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Vienna Crowned as The World’s Most Liveable City

It’s considered among the most beautiful cities in the world to visit, and it seems that Vienna may also be an unbeatable place to live.

Aerial view of Vienna
Vienna, Austria.

The Austrian city has been crowned the most liveable city in the world yet again (it's the third consecutive year) in the annual Global Liveability Index from the Economist Intelligence Unit. The assessment scores 173 cities across the world on 30 indicators divided into five categories: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure, with the aim of showing how comfortable these cities are to live in.

This year, Vienna once again got perfect scores of 100 in four of the five categories, although its score for culture and environment was a less-perfect 93.5, owing to a lack of major sporting events.

Europe dominated the top 10, with Copenhagen and Zurich coming second and third respectively. London ranked 45th, while Honolulu, in 23rd place, was the highest US city on the list. With Europe taking the top three slots, the other cities in the top 10 were Melbourne (4th), Calgary and Geneva (equal 5th), Sydney and Vancouver (equal 7th), Osaka and Auckland (equal 9th).

The index noted an overall decline in stability and infrastructure, but said this was offset by improvements in healthcare and education in several cities in developing markets.

Western Europe retained its status as the most liveable region, while eastern Europe recorded the biggest score increase. While the overall index rise slightly, the EIU noted that “the improvement is only marginal, held back by geopolitical conflicts, civil unrest and a housing crisis across many of the cities in our survey”.



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