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Sunday's Good News Snippets

Round up of all the best, positive news from around the world by Only Good News Daily.

  • Acers are coming in to leaf as impressively as always.

  • Capt. Tom Moore will be No.1 on his 100th birthday. How fabulous is that?!

  • Dogs relieved to discover that yesterday's announcement by OGN Daily that no canine ever said 'Oh no, not another bloody walk' seems to have lead to a resurgence of walkies.

  • Every night, the Swiss village of Zermatt is projecting a different country's national flag on to the side of the Matterhorn in a mountainous sign of international love and solidarity.

  • This week, IQAir, a global leader in air quality data and solutions, published a report showing that air pollution levels in 10 major global cities has dropped by as much as 60% during lockdown.

  • UK credit rating remains unchanged at AA, says S&P.

  • Tom Hanks sends heartwarming letter and gift to bullied boy named Corona.

  • McDonald’s in USA continues to offer free Thank You Meals to healthcare workers.

  • Milton Keynes residents rally to surprise NHS staff with enough goodies to fill more than 200 "pamper bags".

  • A doctor working on the front line at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport is "incredibly grateful" after his car was fixed for free after the catalytic converter was stolen from his Toyota Prius.

  • First baby brown pelicans born on Louisiana island since its restoration after Deepwater Horizon oil spillage.

  • The first human trials in the UK of a potential Covid-19 vaccine get underway at Oxford University, with scientists saying it has an 80% chance of success.

  • Female leaders are proving to be the best at dealing with 'you know what'.

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