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Upbeat News Wednesday

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Mid-week collection of upbeat news nuggets to brighten the day.

Everett Kalin at the top of the Yosemite Half Dome
You're Never Too Old

Everett Kalin has become an adventurer in recent years, going skydiving at 91 and now climbing Half Dome at 93. With the help of his son, Jon, and granddaughter Sidney, Kalin has just made it to the top of the Yosemite landmark, becoming one of the oldest people to ever achieve this feat. When he successfully arrived at the top of Half Dome, the other hikers cheered and snapped photos. "The power of seeing him bought so much joy and inspiration," said his son. Finishing the climb felt "fantastic," Kalin said. "Just super. When you're 93, it's a little extra special."

FDA Approval

The Food and Drug Administration has approved a medication called zuranolone, making it the first-ever pill to treat postpartum depression. There is a treatment that can be given via intravenous injection at a hospital, but zuranolone is the first pill that can be taken at home. Clinical trials showed that zuranolone improved symptoms like anxiety, difficulty sleeping and social withdrawal as early as three days after taking the first pill, NBC News reported.

Somewhat Confusing

Drivers on a road in Wales have been confused by contradictory speed limit signs. Visitors to Llannor, on the Llŷn Peninsula in the county of Gwynedd, were greeted by two signs upon entering the village. The sign on the right side of the road marked it as a 20mph area, while the one on the left was marked at 30mph. It's all part of the country's decision to decrease the default speed limit for built-up areas in Wales from 30mph to 20mph next month in an effort to improve safety and reduce emissions. A spokesperson for Gwynedd Council said: “We can confirm the signs have now been rectified.”

New Fifth Force

Scientists at the Fermilab in Chicago believe they could be closing in on a new fifth force of nature. The potential discovery came after an experiment confirmed the peculiar wobble of a subatomic particle called a muon, which suggested that experts “may be missing something in their current understanding of physics”, said The Telegraph, perhaps “some unknown particle or force”. More data will be needed to confirm the findings, but if they are verified, it could “mark the beginning of a revolution in physics”, said the BBC.

Big Cat Evidence

There have long been rumours about big cats roaming the British countryside. Now, the “clearest ever” photo of a big cat doing just that is featured in a new documentary, said The Telegraph. A “muscular” cat with the appearance of a panther is seen lying among grass and scrub in the image, which was unearthed in a filing cabinet with some text on the reverse side, explaining that the image was “the last sighting” of the 'Beast of Smallthorne', an area of Stoke-on-Trent in northern England. The picture is “proof” that “big cats are roaming the UK”, said the Daily Star.

Universal Healthcare

Maharashtra has become the first state in India to roll out universal healthcare, covering $6,900 in expenses for all residents, reports Hindustan Times. The government is also spending $362 million on upgrading hospitals and ensuring that every district in the state has a 50-bed critical care unit. In case the scale of this isn't clear - Maharashtra is home to 120 million people, more than the Philippines or Japan.

Highway Supercharge

The EU has approved a groundbreaking new law aimed at saturating highways with rapid EV chargers by the end of 2025. This regulation is a significant stride towards enhancing electric vehicle travel throughout Europe while also curbing harmful greenhouse gas emissions. The new law primarily benefits electric car and van owners by vastly expanding the charging infrastructure along major EU highways.


“They tried to bury me. They didn’t realise I was a seed.” Sinéad O’Connor

On this Day

16 August 1501: Michelangelo awarded the contract to create his statue of David at Florence Cathedral by the Overseers of the Office of Works (the Operai) of the Duomo.


Mood Booster

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life sing-along at London's Royal Albert Hall.

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